Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Part 1: A New Character, New Sub-Account

So I decided to start playing with Wizard101 again and do a "Road to 100" series on this blog writing up summaries on how things went as I went. But I'm sure someone better than me could writer a better walkthrough series so I decided not to write about every little thing I did. Balance is probably my favorite school of magic because it takes evvery little thing from every other School... and also I did a few random dice rolls and Balance came up most often, so I decided to go with Balance and stick with this character until I defeated Morganthe for good.

I do have another Balance Wizard in my first sub-account halfway through Celestia but Kingdom Hearts and whatnot distracted me and I ran out of pre-paid time. However, I decided to throw caution to the winds and try it again, due to Zenmaster Blue's project on running a secondary wizard through the worlds. I played through the game as I watched his videos, which you can go check out HERE.

I am a guy but I like playing female characters, so I decided to create three girls called Christina and three boys called Chris. (Chris is my actual name.) Since my other Balance Wizard is male, I decided to go with female this time. (I had a female Sorcerer called Amber Rainbow which I deleted after I got frustrated with one battle, but she got reborn as a Necromancer on my first sub-account.)

Another thing was I got the newest bundle on Monday, the Arcane Builder's bundle, and I like it so far. The pet is not really that great(and Wild Bolt only works great 25% of the time) and I plan on replacing the Arcane Helpers with something I can use(like a Gaming Piggle on a game card that has a Pet Balanceblade which is great because Balanceblade is the only boost that my character can have right now) and the gear got replaced with better HP boosting gear (but I locked the outfit as it will be the looks of my character) but the Wand is staying for a while, at least until we get the Sky Iron Hasta. Once I get some Crowns, I will stitch the spear into the hammer. ^_^

Oh yeah, this is Christina Dawnblade. The last name comes from The Road to Dawn, Riku's signature Keyblade. I am a big Kingdom Hearts fan. ^_^

As I said, Wild Bolt is hit or miss. As least it's not Insane Bolt... :(

Christina got through Unicorn Way and the rest of Wizard City in ten hours including doing all of the side-quests. I watched Kingdom Hearts videos while doing the necessary grinding. She got her Precision and Balanceblade spells from Arthur Wethersfield. The former was briefly in her deck to help with Wild Bolt and the latter is going to be a permanent addition to her deck. Once she can craft Balanceblade TCs, she'll use those too.

Also she is going to craft her next three homes. I had my Myth Wizard, Sierra Fairyfriend, in my first sub-account working on that too but Christina is going to wear the Crafting badges to show she is the expert of Crafting.This is her working on her gardening skills as she will need to farm rare plants to get the unique reagents she needs without having to spend days playing Pokemon X in the Bazaar waiting for some sap to trade their rare Sunstones and Golden Pearls to Erik. :p

I am not going to deal with the castle blocks in the Majesty Castle as it's too tedious and I could spend my time level or item grinding instead of playing Lego blocks with my two castles in the housing area I gave Christina. All in all, I will keep updating when I can, and I will try to give daily reports on how Christina is doing.

This is her stat sheet just before I shut down for the night. I plan on getting her to Level 18 to get the next spell quest from Arthur Wethersfield before heading to Krokotopia, even if that means farming for battles - Christina is ambitious and wants to get her badge list full of all the "kill XXX/XXX" badges. She's already gotten the second Gobbler badge and the second Undead badge. :)

And yes, that will mean she will do a little bit of PvP and Pet Derby racing, but I don't intend for her to get Warlord in either of those - PvP requires spending training points on stuff I won't use in regular questing and Pet training is a hassle. (I've been trying to get good talents on my other pets and I keep getting selfish talents.)

See ya!

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